Claim Your (Custom-Made) Complete 2019 Marketing Plan Today!
Implement Secret Strategies EAVESDROPPED from 100+ Millionaire CEOs & Billionaire Entrepreneurs
Turn 4.286 Minutes into 1 Hour EVERY Day
DOUBLE (or TRIPLE) Your Lead Generation in 30 Days or Less
Note: This offer expires when the counter below reaches 0.
Dear fellow entrepreneur or business-owner,
Let’s start with a brief marketing lesson…
If you know anything about marketing, you would know that being specific makes you A LOT more believable and grabs you A LOT more attention.
With that logic, you would think that I should have written something like “103 millionaire CEOs and 7 billionaire entrepreneurs” in the headline to grab your attention…
But I didn’t.
Because I don’t know if I really have 103 millionaires or 7 billionaires. I simply haven’t counted.
Now, I must confess…
This offer contains WAY more than just a simple marketing plan…
And at this point you’re maybe already trying to imagine what I’m going to sell you…
You’re probably imagining a mentorship connection service, where I pair you up with a mentor and take a small commission…
Or you could be imagining a mentorship platform where different gurus try to upsell you different courses…
Or you could simply be imagining that this is all a scam and you should close the tab immediately.
All good guesses, but none of them are correct.
What I’m selling you requires no complicated pairing whatsoever…
In fact, you will only need 4.286 minutes per day for this “thing” (I’ll back up the number later).
What I’m selling you has no upsells whatsoever…
In fact, this is the only service I provide (meaning that I can focus on making it the best “thing” you’ve ever seen).
And what I’m selling you is not just a simple marketing plan…
In fact, as I’ve said before, that’s just one of the items this “thing” includes.
And if you think that this is all a scam? I encourage you to read on and find out yourself.
Now, before I tell you what this whole “thing” is, let’s start by you answering a few questions:
- Do you have a business that is making 6 figures or above?
- Do you know the importance of effective marketing but is struggling to effectively market?
- Do you wish to scale your business to the next level via effective marketing?
If the answer is no to any of these questions, feel free to close the tab and do something else you like, cause what I’m about to tell you will not interest you.
But… If your answers are all “yes” …
You WILL want to read on, and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.
Now, you’ve just seen the headline: “Claim Your (Customized) Complete Marketing Plan for 2019 Today!”
And this might be what you’re thinking:
“Man, I hate marketing, they don’t work, and I don’t have the time for marketing!”
Yes, I know that you may hate marketing, and I know that you’d rather focus all your precious time on your business, your hobbies, and your friends and family…
But… You and I both know one absolute fact:
Marketing is one of the MOST important skills you need to master in business.
And not just any kind of marketing, MODERN MARKETING.
Those strategies and tactics that are created before the internet? Those are already completely irrelevant.
As you may already know, the old media are dying. Companies who are still using those traditional media like newspaper ads and radio broadcasts are like throwing money down a drain.
A very big and dark drain indeed.
So… how do you not throw money down a drain?
There are three ways:
- By leveraging modern communication and social media to its fullest extent…
- By using modern marketing techniques that are solely created and designed for the 21st Century…
- By creating successful campaigns in spaces where the target audiences really visit— Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
These modern marketing skills are so important in the 21st Century, that it could make or break a person, a business, or even an entire NATION’s success.
Don’t believe me? Here are some examples:
Tai Lopez rose from $47 to $20 million in 4 years all because of ONE “This is my garage” ad on YouTube and his spectacular modern marketing techniques…
Elon Musk has successfully spent a grand total of $0 of his ad budget using modern marketing while pulling off the best car ad ever created by sending one of his Tesla cars to space…
Some people even say that Donald Trump (love him or hate him) won the presidency BECAUSE of his Tweets and his team of modern marketers…
The point is, Tai Lopez, Elon Musk, and Donald Trump all have two things in common:
- They all built great business empires
- They all built their gigantic empires by applying modern marketing.
And let me tell you something else:
Tai Lopez, Elon Musk, and Donald Trump all became succesful by applying modern marketing in their business and in their life.
“Wait a second. What’s modern marketing? Is it a very specific and secret formula that no one knows?”
Yes. And no.
Modern marketing is simply any marketing technique that will make people millions… or even billions in the 21st Century…
Every millionaire and billionaire has his or her own very secret modern marketing formula and principle…
And sometimes…
Very occasionally…
They will exchange their secret formulas with their millionaire buddies in Very. Private. Settings.
To put it short, these secret formulas and principles of successes are guarded very carefully by each and every rich person on Earth…
And almost no one knows what their formulas are…
Well… Except me.
For those who don’t know me, my name is Adam Erhart. And I used to be an Executive Business Jet Pilot, flying millionaire CEOs and billionaire entrepreneurs in private jets all around Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, and North Africa.
Now, here’s something you ought to know about billionaire entrepreneurs and millionaire CEOs:
They don’t watch movies on airplanes when they travel.
Instead, they make use of every single moment on the airplane to read, network, strategize and plan.
And when they strategize and plan, sometimes they don’t plan alone…
Sometimes they don’t strategize quietly…
And sometimes… these strategies just so happen to be these modern marketing secrets…
Now, these CEOs and entrepreneurs may think that their secrets are safe 35,000ft in the sky…
But in fact, I was able to hear, learn and absorb nearly Every. Single. One. of their conversations… (many times I was even invited back to chat!)
I learned how to DOUBLE and even TRIPLE the lead generation in any business…
I learned how to create five, six, and even SEVEN figures in just ONE Facebook ad…
I learned the secrets to have a 500% return on investment on any ad campaign…
And so much more.
And in some days, I was so absorbed in listening to these billionaires whisper their secrets that I almost crashed the plane.
(Okay, maybe not. I can turn on the autopilot anytime I like and I always had a co-pilot.)
Now, almost crashing the plane may not be true… But this is 100% absolutely true:
Those days flying as a pilot was WAY more valuable for me than my Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing in my college years.
In fact, I bet that it’s worth more than a PhD and an MBA COMBINED.
And do you know how long I’ve been an Executive Business Jet Pilot?
7 years and 3 months. Straight.
For 7 years and 3 months, I was able to learn from the best of the best, top of the top.
Crème de la crème.
(That’s “Cream of the cream” in French.)
Okay, I know what you’re probably thinking right now:
“Adam, I’m finding it quite hard to believe you here… I mean, that’s like a conspiracy theory mixed with this bizarre story or something!”
Well, it’s actually not that unbelievable.
There is a reason these entrepreneurs & CEOs are millionaires and billionaires…
And often that reason is their superb marketing skills and techniques.
I mean, some of them do have special talents, like Elon Musk and his rocket building skills…
But most of them rely on their marketing to earn their riches.
So… back to my story.
Basically, I was able to learn from some of the top marketers and businessmen in the world in secret for 7 years.
After the Arab Spring happened, flying in the Mediterranean and North Africa was no longer safe, and I had to find some way to make a living, so I began to began to really study modern marketing seriously…
I began reading the books written by these millionaires and billionaires…
I began studying courses created by these businessmen and entrepreneurs…
I began hiring mentors who are master modern marketers…
And after some time, I myself became an expert.
By becoming an expert, I began consulting and mentoring clients using the many principals of modern marketing.
And let me tell you:
The results my clients got from my consulting… Were absolutely stunning.
Now, I’m not going to disclose the names of my clients, but what I can tell you is this:
This guy has gone from $0 to $104,000 in just 4 months in his new e-commerce business…
This life coach managed to increase her monthly revenue by $100,000 in her life coaching business in just 30 days…
This company that sells IT professional services managed to reduce the cost per qualified lead by $800 per client and set a new company record…
These companies all generated 500 new leads within 21 days…
Now, with all these results that I’ve just shown you, you might be thinking:
“So what? What does that have anything to do with me? I’m not the one with the nice results!”
Okay, but let me ask you something:
What if you had the chance to have the same results, if not better?
What if you had the chance to learn marketing the right way, and not the boring and troublesome way that made you hate marketing in the first place?
What if I were to offer you a chance to be one of my exclusive private consulting clients? Same as the guy with the e-commerce business, the female life coach, and the IT service company?
Well, hold your horses, because this is exactly what I’m offering you today…
Introducing: The Modern Marketing Consulting Program
Today, you’ll get the chance to enroll and be one of my exclusive private consulting clients in my Modern Marketing Consulting Program.
The Modern Marketing Consulting Program is one of the world’s only programs where you can finally get the results you’ve been working on so long in your business…
…while getting personally mentored and consulted by one of the world’s leading marketers.
To put it more simply, the Modern Marketing Consulting Program is the program for you get the results you’ve been craving so long as an entrepreneur and businessman so you can spend more time with your friends, family and loved ones…
…While focusing all your time on them without worrying about your business.
And when I mean personally mentor and consult, I don’t mean you watching an hour-long video with 100 other participants listening to a “marketing guru” talk about generic marketing tactics…
I’m talking about legit one to one conversations that can tackle that very specific and weird problem you have had for almost two years…
We will meet every two weeks for an hour each, and you’ll get to ask any question you want…
…And we’ll tackle them together.
And if you still feel stuck by the end of our meetings, if you still have any questions, just shoot me a quick message and I’ll answer you in video format…
Diagrams included.
Not only that but we’ll also work together to map out a brand new strategic marketing campaign to help you achieve your biggest business goals.
Now, I want you to imagine two scenarios:
In the first scenario, you are in a crowded college lecture hall, and you sitting there, laptop open with 100 other students listening to the profession drone on outdated techniques and skills that don’t apply in the real world…
And then you have a real question that you are really interested in, but then the professor never answers you, continuing to drone and drone, and talk and talk about useless stuff…
That’s your typical online course for you, except for things being online.
Now imagine the second scenario, where you are climbing a tall mountain to seek out this amazing Zen master…
And when you get there the master asks you all about your personal life and problems…
And you tell him and you train together, with him telling you every secret you need to know to get rid of your problems…
And you watch the sun rise… as you feel that your problems are gone and your skills are elevated to a whole new level…
That is the Modern Marketing Consulting Program, with me being the Zen master and guiding you through every step of the way.
Now imagine a more realistic scenario:
I want you to imagine yourself sitting by your desk, your computer lit up on one side and a huge piece of paper on the other, scribbling notes and diagrams with big words on top:
Complete Marketing Plan for 2019
And you can feel it in your heart, that all your worries and frustrations about marketing strategies and Facebook ads and YouTube ads will be gone in a week or two.
And imagine, your business growing… Exponentially upwards…
That is basically what you’re getting in the Modern Marketing Consulting Program— A complete guide catering to your every problem and dissecting what you must do to thrive in the marketing world.
Imagine the marketing world like a rushing river, and you in a small boat…
Your goal is to navigate through this river and sail along the current into a great ocean of hope and prosperity…
But in this river, there will be large rocks, wrong and dangerous pathways that lead to cliffs, and man-eating piranhas.
Now, your boat is your business, and no matter how strong your boat is, no matter how good your service or how fantastic your customer service; if you, the sailor, make a wrong turn, your entire boat will fall off a cliff and you will be eaten alive by piranhas.
No matter how great your service and business is, if you make ONE wrong marketing mistake…
Your entire business will sink into chaos.
You may go bankrupt, for one. I personally know a few friends who spent WAY more on a failed Facebook ad than they should have…
You may cease to grow, for another. I also know someone who insisted that his YouTube campaign was working but was actually not… (His business went to a slow decline after he went into serious denial.)
You may also lose the drive to do business entirely. One of my former colleague said that he’s quitting business because he was fed up with his campaigns that were not working…
So let’s go back to our river analogy.
If you apply for the Modern Marketing Consulting Program, it will be like hiring an expert sailor to teach and sail with you…
You will avoid all the rocks…
All the piranhas…
And all the cliffs.
And the best thing? It will only take you half an hour per week!
You probably already spend at least an hour a day doing marketing stuff…
Going on YouTube for marketing hacks…
Browsing on Google for SEO tricks…
Chatting on Facebook groups for Facebook tactics…
Or even just lying on bed frustrated on not knowing what to do.
So here’s what 4.286 minutes are:
30 minutes divided by 7.
That equals to 4.28571429 minutes.
All the big entrepreneurs say that you should value your time more than money…
So if I could help you turn what is basically 4 minutes into 60, while giving you the perfect marketing plan, there is honestly really no reason why you shouldn’t apply now…
…Well maybe except for the price, which I will tell you right now:
The price for one month of consulting will be $2000 USD.
Some marketers will choose to price it at $1997 to make it seem less expensive, but no.
I believe in honesty.
Now, I know you may be wondering this: “Adam, why should I apply to be a mentee instead of just hiring a marketing agency? That would be like 0 minutes for 60!”
And you are correct, you could go and hire a marketing agency…
But let’s go on Google and see how much an average marketing agency costs:
“Marketing agency fees vary based on your geography, but a medium-sized marketing agency retainer costs Detroit-area clients about $6,000 a month.”
Donna Campbell,
And that’s just a Detroit-area. Just imagine what it would cost for a decent agency in say New York or California!
Actually, don’t imagine, I’m gonna tell you directly: It’s gonna cost a minimum of $10,000.
And yes you can find online agencies who charge $500 or $600…
…But… Are you going to trust them with your entire business?
Now, if you really hate marketing, I get it. There are some things that I really hate as well. So you can come to me and ask me to do it for you… But that’s still gonna cost you $5000 per month.
But honestly, it is truly not profitable for you to just go to a marketing agency, and I’m gonna tell you why:
Whenever you go hire a marketing agency, you are handing the most surface-level problems to them…
The fundamental problem (which is your lack of marketing knowledge) has not been solved.
In other words…
You are dependent on that marketing agency!
If they do a bad job, you would not know… (What’s a “good” marketing campaign anyway?)
If they overcharge you, you can not complain…
And if they do not deliver on time, you can say nothing.
Basically, hiring a marketing agency is a lot like someone having your nudes…
They blackmail you for money…
And then they charge you for some more…
And then they still don’t give you back the pictures…
And you are forever in their mercy.
Hiring a mentor and consultant is different.
You learned the skills. The skills are forever yours. No one can take them from you.
On other words… You are in control of your own business.
Doesn’t that sound a lot better?
“So, what will I GAIN if I sign up now?”
Here are a few:
- Skills that make you live like a KING or QUEEN
- Secrets from a proven MASTER of marketing that less than 1% of the human population knows
- The ability to CONFIDENTLY reject marketing agencies who try to FOOL you into buying their services
- The TIME to focus on what you REALLY enjoy and delivering the IMPACT the world deserves
- The knowledge on how to market MORALLY, ETHICALLY, & LEGALLY without selling your soul (and your money) to sketchy ad agencies
- The ability to sail through the TREACHEROUS river of marketing while AVOIDING all the huge rocks and piranhas
- The ability to make money on autopilot WITHOUT actively trying to pitch your service to everyone you know
- FULL, UNFILTERED access to a TOP marketer without selling your kidney to organ transplant companies
- The ability to DISCOVER “low-hanging fruits” (that will bring you millions) in your business that you NEVER saw before
- The ability to CONFIDENTLY ignore bogus marketing opportunities that SEEM like they’re worth a million dollars
- The ability to LEVERAGE the experience of 7+ years from a master marketer and the knowledge of 100+ books
- The PERFECT marketing plan that can put any Harvard MBAs to shame and earn more money than you ever dreamt of
- The ability to stand beside a top marketer and watch how he unravels the mystery of marketing creates ACTIONABLE steps for you to follow
- MINDBLOWING marketing tricks and hacks to maneuver your way to riches
- The ability to blow your competitors out of the water (and into outer space) while they don’t even know what’s happening by using this ONE simple marketing trick (mandatory in the consulting program)
- Full access to a marketing GENIUS for a tenth of a normal price
- FULL understanding of which channel/ social media to use to put out THAT particular piece of content
- The ability to discover & unlock HIDDEN revenue streams in your business and scale it to the NEXT LEVEL
- The ability to DETECT BS marketing advice from fake friends and FOCUS on what WORKS
- …And a whole lot more!
And here’s what you’ll NEVER have to do EVER again in your life if you apply now:
- Never worry about having to hard-sell your service like a slimy salesman EVER again
- Never frustrate yourself about USELESS cookie–cutter courses and seminars that don’t care about what your REAL problems are
- Never waste your precious time idling on TRIVIAL marketing decisions that could otherwise be spent productively
- Never be the “MLM aunt” or “weird uncle” EVER again for selling your service the WRONG way
- Never lie in bed awake worrying about your next marketing move EVER again
- Never have to look at your empty bank account while wondering why your prospects don’t buy your service that EXACTLY solves their problems
- Never have to browse more than an hour of YouTube tutorials per day only to find IRRELEVANT content that serves ABSOLUTELY no purpose to your company
- Never have to do “high-effort”, “low-result” marketing campaigns that waste weeks and even MONTHS of your time
- Never have that “I don’t know what to do” feeling EVER again
- Never have to hire inexperienced “marketing gurus” who have never even started a business themselves
- NEVER have to lock yourself in the library studying OUTDATED marketing books and FAILED gimmicks
- …And a whole lot more!
Still not convinced? Here’s what others are saying about me:
“Nobody does it better than Adam. His insights and strategies put him miles ahead of everyone else and his campaigns and results speak for themselves. I highly recommend him.”
Robbie Vanghan, Owner of Saturn Dragon Media
“Adam consistently delivers the highest quality of product and service to his clients. I have had the opportunity to work with Adam on about a dozen projects and his attention to detail and level of expertise is astonishing. I highly recommend Adam.”
Tylor Bennett, President of Seattle Web Works & Co-Founder of Logic Inbound
“Adam is a true expert in his field and it has been a pleasure to work with him. His insights on what’s working now in the industry are truly valuable for anyone looking to take their business to the next level.”
Matthew Morin, Founder of Salty by Nature Media
“You’ll be hard pressed to meet someone as intelligent, proactive, results-driven, and professional as Adam. His insights have proven invaluable, and his ability to lead and motivate a team is phenomenal. Highly, highly recommended.”
Roland Millaner, Managing Director at McABBY LTD
Even true gurus like author and marketing genius Nicholas Kusmich are loving that I can help him!
“Adam is a true professional and well respected in our industry as sincere, credible, and committed to his clients’ results. His level of integrity and dedication to putting his clients’ best interests first are part of what makes Adam my top referral partner.”
CEO of
Now before you sign up, let me tell you a shocking fact found in a Forbes article:
I’m sure that you already know that 8 out of 10 businesses fail within the first 18 months of starting…
Now, Forbes listed 5 main reasons why a business would fail…
And guess what?
2 out of 5 reasons has something to do with marketing!
And although I’m sure that you are already past the 18-month mark, you’d still not like to fail because of bad marketing, would you?
So basically, you have 5 choices to make:
The first choice you have is that you can do nothing, and watch the business you’ve spent all your time building as it stagnates and crumbles to dust.
But I’m sure since you’ve read so far you wouldn’t want that to happen…
The second choice you have is that you could try learning marketing yourself. There are thousands of books and hundreds of courses out there that you can learn from…
… But I’m sure you don’t have the time, do you? You have your business, you have your friends, and you have your family…
I’m sure you would not want to compromise your precious family time for boring marketing duties…
The third choice you can make is that you can hire a marketing agency.
If you do have the money and don’t want to waste time, you can go on and pay some agency $10,000 or more to do your marketing, in fact, you can pay me $5000 to do the job…
… But again, I’m sure you wouldn’t want that to happen since you’ve managed to read so far…
The fourth choice is that you could hire some other marketing consultant…
You will find consultants for $100 and $200… But… Are you really willing to hand your entire business to them? From what people tell me, some of them have even never started a business themselves…
You will also find consultants that charge WAY more than me. Those charges an upwards of $10,000 to $100,000 a month. You could hire them… But I personally would only do so if my company is doing high 8 or 9 figures or upwards…
Now, your fifth and final choice is that you can apply below and become one of my exclusive private consulting clients…
I will guide you through every single step on the way and make marketing so easy for you that you’ll end up liking it…
I will build a step-by-step complete marketing plan with you together so you can implement them easily…
And that’s not all… I’ll teach you Every. Single. Thing. that I’ve learned from my 7 years as an Executive Business Jet Pilot… (as well as the countless thousands of campaigns I’ve created in my 6 years of owning a marketing agency)
In just 4.286 minutes a day, you’ll become an expert in modern marketing in no time.
“Okay, Adam. This sounds good and all… But is there a guarantee?”
Funny you should ask.
Absolutely yes! So… Here’s how it works:
After you apply and after I qualify you, we’ll have an online meeting…
And if you don’t like what I tell you, hate my voice, or just plainly dislike me, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.
“Are there any more guarantees?”
Well yes! There is one more guarantee, and it goes like this:
If there’s anything that I do best, that would be generating leads…
And in our one month of consulting, I can guarantee that I can DOUBLE your leads.
So let’s do some math here:
Let’s say that you have a service that is priced at $1000… (I’m going to use conservative numbers here.)
And let’s say that for every month, 100 qualified leads go to your landing page…
And let’s say that your website converts at 1%… (I’m still using very conservative numbers here.)
So that’s going to be this:
$1000 x 100 leads x 1% = $1000
You’re earning about $1000 per month, not counting all the costs and stuff… (You see, it’s still very conservative numbers.)
But now let’s say I double your leads, let’s see what happens:
$1000 x 200 leads x 1% = $2000
You just earned $1000 more per month.
So what does that mean?
That means that in just 2 months, you will be able to break-even from my Modern Marketing Consulting Program (if you choose to cancel at just 1 month).
Now, in reality, I’m sure that you charge your service at a much higher price and that you have WAY more leads…
And in reality, I’ll give you WAY more perks and teach you WAY more stuff than just how to double leads…
So honestly… You have absolutely nothing to lose.
Now, let’s get to the worst-case scenario:
So let’s say that I’m a complete fraud, and let’s say that I don’t care about all of my reputation that I’ve built…
I don’t care about my future career.
And I don’t care about my wife and my three kids…
And I run off to Mexico to live my life as a hermit with your $2000.
What happens to you next? You contact your credit card company and wait 90 days to get your money back.
But what if I’m not a fraud? (Which is obviously the case.)
Well then you get to turn 4.286 minutes into 60, literally double your income, and live your life as a more happy and fulfilled man or woman!
If you think about it this way, you really can’t afford to not give my program a try, can you?
So let’s recap:
For $2000 a month, I will personally consult and mentor you from the comforts of your own home or office.
We will meet every two weeks for an hour each and work together to craft high-converting and profitable business growth strategies. You’ll also get to ask any question you want…
And if you still feel stuck by the end of our meetings or have any questions, just shoot me a quick message and I’ll answer you in video format in less than 48 hours.
Sound fair?
If you are interested, click the button below and APPLY NOW.
Oh, and one more thing: because I have an agency to run, and because this is live consulting and mentorship, and because I have only 24 hours a day (and would like to see my wife and kids too ;), I can only take on 5 clients per month…
Many ambitious entrepreneurs have already signed up and I already have a handful of existing clients…
So if you truly want this, you’ll need to ACT FAST, and ACT NOW.
I am very looking forward to consulting and mentoring you and helping you scale your business to the next level.
Talk to you soon,
Adam Erhart
Head Consultant of the Modern Marketing Consulting Program
P.S. Still not convinced? Here are a few more testimonials on what others have said about me:
“Adam is the secret weapon behind my Facebook advertising. Week by week, he helps me keep my emotions out of decision making, always sharing data to drive our plan adjustments and to recommend things to test. Beyond the results he delivers, he’s a delight to work with – positive, funny, and generous. If you’re still running your own ads, get out of your own way and get Adam on your team.”
Cherylanne Skolnicki, CEO of Shine Life.
“Adam is one of the few guys that I’ve encountered in this industry that you can 100% trust to give rock solid advice every time. You can tell by his enthusiasm and depth of knowledge that he is incredibly passionate about what he does, and it shows up in his results. Just one simple suggestion from Adam helped us boost conversions in one step of our funnel by nearly 15%, literally overnight.”
Glenn Hoddinott, Media Buyer for Traffic and Funnels
“Adam is a straight marketing genius.”
Nick Thoroughman, CEO of Urban Optimization
“Adam is one of the first places I go when I need solid, helpful, and trustworthy marketing advice. He’s truly an incredibly valuable resource.”
Keith Best, Founder of Best Business Development
“When it comes to creating practical, actionable, and results-producing marketing strategies there is nobody out there better than Adam. Take his training, hire him, do whatever you need to do to get access to his insights.”
Colin Sauer, Founder of Colin Sauer Consulting
Okay, you’re set! Click the APPLY NOW button to start turning 4.286 minutes into 60 now!
Remember, once you join the Modern Marketing Consulting Program, we’re going to plan your complete marketing plan for 2019, and also at least DOUBLE your leads so that you can:
- Not lie in bed worrying about not having a marketing plan and not knowing what to do…
- Have the time to do what you enjoy…
- And most importantly to have the time to spend with your friends, family, and loved ones.
Look at the counter, once the number reaches 0, you will be DENIED ACCESS to the program for at least another 30 days…
Just think about it, you will have to endure another 30 days of confusion, directionless, and pain for another 30 days!
Just think about what you can accomplish in 30 days with the Modern Marketing Consulting Program!
What you have been dreaming of for the past few years could be accomplished in these 30 days…
Just remember: Success loves speed…
And remember this also: You are only just agreeing to try the Modern Marketing Consulting Program for one meeting…
If, after one meeting, you don’t like what I tell you, hate my voice, or just plainly dislike me…
I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.
So what are you waiting for, click the APPLY NOW button before the number reaches 0!
Talk to you soon!
“Adam and his enthusiasm towards my business have made things come together for me as a practitioner. He is positive and gets results and I am so grateful for his input and knowledge as it has made such a huge difference. The genuine support that you receive from Adam is very rare in this world we live in.”
Dr. Brittany Filipetti, Owner of Origin Integrated Health
“World class marketing solutions. That’s exactly what Adam produces every single time. And the results he produces are absolutely incredible. If you own a business, you need him in your corner.”
Paul Drakes, Vice-President at Admediary
“Adam is an invaluable marketing asset to my business. We have hired him for a number of on-going projects and each time is a success. He knows the digital marketing industry through and through and my business is lucky to have him.”
Patrycja Gled, Founder of Fat Cat Marketing
“I’ve just started having Adam help me learn how to get my real message across to my customers via my social media platforms. He’s excellent at providing quick, honest, cut the bull advice and I really appreciate his professionalism. All of his recommendations were spot on.”
James Flawith, Owner of Precision Tree Services
“Adam is my secret (well not so secret anymore) North American connection to top search engine rankings and digital marketing strategy. Every client I’ve referred to Adam has been sure to tell me not only how great the results he delivered were, but also how nice Adam was to deal with. Friendly, professional, and knowledgeable. Highly recommended!”
Matthew Sharpe, Owner of Sharpe Digital
“Many claim, but few can actually deliver the incredibly superb results that Adam consistently does.”
Ron Thomson, Owner of Ronson Marketing
The Mandatory Legal Stuff
Legally (and ethically) I need to tell you that the results you see on this page aren’t “typical”. But I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that just like all my clients, you’re not “typical” either.
What’s “typical” is that most businesses flat out fail (8 out of 10 is the current statistic), and of those 2 in 10 that “make it”, well, they often end up barely scraping by and fighting for scraps. So “typical” is not what we’re after here. Not even close.
But you’re not “typical”. You’re hard working. Dedicated. Ambitious. And motivated to do what it takes to succeed. That’s what brought you here.
Talk soon, Adam