The Brain Upgrade
You’ve now reached a critical point in your journey of upgrading your brain.
Having read all the way through to this point you’ve shown focus, commitment, consistency, and a desire to learn, grow, and expand your knowledge (all great things for your neuroplasticity and neurogenesis) so a HUGE congratulations are in order.
By reaching this point you have joined a group of people committed to being the absolute best versions of themselves (this would be around 20% of the population)
But within this small group (The 20%) is an even smaller group (The 5%), who are unwilling to settle, unwilling to accept anything less than their best, and unwilling to simply deal with a brain that’s operating at less than its full potential.
So it’s at this point you have a decision to make.
Do you want to take the next step?
Because there is an entirely new level of cognitive development and mental performance just waiting for you to tap into to.
You see the strategies we’ve talked about here have only just scratched the surface…
And there are so many other strategies, tactics, and methods available (so you can find what works best for you and your lifestyle).
And with our world becoming ever noisier, ever more complicated, and ever more competitive you really only have 2 choices if you want to thrive.
Option 1) Renounce this modern world and all its trappings and move to cabin in the woods (not really a recipe for thriving unless living off the land is your thing and you don’t mind having Big Foot as your neighbor)
Option 2) Upgrade your hardware. Invest in yourself. And commit to tapping into your full mental potential (which I know will amaze you)
If you choose Option #1 I won’t judge you. In fact, most people fall into this camp.
Content enough to settle with what they have and not interested in tapping into their true potential.
This doesn’t make you a bad person. And we can part here as friends. (And maybe you could even send me some maple syrup from your cabin?)
But if you choose Option #2, I promise your life will never be the same. In a good way.
Because as we just saw most are not willing to improve or upgrade… So if you’re one of the bold few willing to put in the work… the world is yours for the taking.
Here’s What I Know To Be True
I’ve worked with Billionaires, Olympic athletes, Forbes 500 Exec’s, and entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes.
I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the downright fugly.
And after almost 20 years of being in the business game, trends, patterns, and fundamental principles start to become glaringly obvious.
Here’s what the stats show: (brace yourself… they’re not pretty)
- Most people have attention spans shorter than a goldfish
- Most people get the equivalent of 2:53 hours of work done each day out of an 8 hour day… that’s it?!?
- And most people are suffering from low energy, fatigue, and an inability to focus, which is not only destroying their productivity but in many cases is downright dangerous
Most people are fighting their way through life. Because when you’re tired, unproductive, and overwhelmed, life is hard. Really hard. Way harder than it should be.
And it’s your brain’s fault.
But that’s where the blame game ends.
Because now that you know what the problem is you can do something about it.
And that something is upgrading your brain.
Here’s the good news.
As we’ve already covered upgrading your brain can be done safely and naturally, without the need for drugs (or lobotomies 😉
It can also be done relatively quickly (weeks and months, not years and years)…
And if you’ve ever partied a little too hearty… you can actually build new brain cells (neurogenesis) as well as form new pathways to speed up the brain cells and connections you already have (neuroplasticity).
Your brain is magic.
But like with magic you can’t just show up on stage at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and expect to wow a crowd of 16,800 without a plan, and a little bit of practice.
“The Brain Upgrade” IS that plan.
Scientifically designed to increase your focus, clarity, and energy (and so much more) The Brain Upgrade is a 6 week coaching program that walks you through each of the 5 phases of Brain Optimization.
Phase 1: Environment
The very first step in upgrading your brain is to first take stock of your environment. In this phase we’ll optimize your home, your office, your car or commute, and anywhere you spend a significant amount of your time.
If it’s anything like most people’s than the odds are good you’re living, working, and even playing in a mental minefield and it’s our job to clear out the mental clutter so we can build a better brain on a clean foundation.
Phase 2: Nutrition
Of all the things you can do to upgrade your brain nothing is more important than food and nutrition.
But nutrition is also easily one of the most over-complicated subjects on the planet. (evidenced by the millions of new diet books released each year)
So which nutrition plan is best for you and your brain?
Keto? Paleo? Bulletproof? Whole 30? Carnivore? Plant Based?
We’ll answer this question together and give you a plan to make healthy, easy, and delicious decisions that are the best for you, your brain, and your body.
Phase 3: Training
Seeing as one of the ways to upgrade your brain involves neuroplasticity (ie reorganizing itself to form better and more efficient pathways) then it only makes sense to tell your brain WHAT pathways you want it to build.
4, in particular, have shown the greatest (and most sustainable) results.
We’ll get into the specifics of each, and design a plan you can follow, enjoy, and benefit from in the shortest possible time.
Phase 4: Recovery
As we covered before, this is the fun part. Because this is where you get to sleep more, do more cool fun stuff, and hang out with friends more.
Obviously, the devil’s in the details (you can’t just sleep all day and party all night and expect to change the world ;), so here we’ll create a systematic approach to sleep, fun, and friends, and ensure all of them are optimized for maximum brain benefit and enjoyment.
Phase 5: Enhancement
The final stage is enhancement. This is where we’ll take what we’ve built, and make it better.
Smoothing down the surface, polishing rough edges, and making any tweaks and adjustments that need to be made to your program.
This is where everything comes together, and we look back at where you started (Standard) and how far you’ve come (Upgraded).
Phase 6: BONUS
We add an extra phase here to account for any questions, concerns, issues, or adjustments that need to be made.
We’re dealing with biology here, not physics. And every brain is different. This is what makes The Brain Upgrade unique, and the results as good as they are.
The Brain Upgrade Program Details
The Brain Upgrade Program is a 6-week program designed to optimize all 6-phases of effectively upgrading your brain (environment, nutrition, training, recovery, enhancement) resulting in a supercharged brain capable of handling anything life, work, or play through your way.
Each of the 6-Phases has 3 different levels:
- Basecamp (Beginner)
- Bootcamp (Intermediate)
- and Braincamp (Advanced)
Each level provides tailored actionable insights and strategies that ensure you’re able to make fast and consistent progress – no matter your lifestyle or schedule.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The content is released 1 phase per week over the 6-week period allowing time to process, incorporate, and adapt.
The phases are sequential and each one builds on the previous one – the end result being a completely rewired brain, optimized for peak performance.
Who Is This Program For?
The Brain Upgrade program was designed from the ground up specifically for entrepreneurs, business owners, and freelancers. Those who set their own rules and rely on a peak performing brain to succeed in business and in life. And those who could benefit most from an increase in Focus, Clraity, and Energy. (Allowing them to get more done in less time, and feel great doing it)
Everything inside is designed to provide maximum output while requiring minimum input. (Our motto is: Minimum Effective Does)
Who Is This Program NOT For?
The program is not for anyone who is not committed to change. Our students have an “aversion to average” and are committed to performing their best. Tire-kickers, “wantrapreneurs”, and lollygaggers (my favorite term of all) need not apply.
Say “Yes” To A Better Today (and tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day…)
After seeing so many success stories of people who set aside the time I can honestly say that upgrading your brain is the single greatest investment you could ever make.
Bold statement. But it’s true.
And it’s true because your brain is the control center for your entire life.
How you feel, how you act, and ultimately… the results you’re able to achieve.
Most don’t want to improve.
They want to stay where they are. Comfortable enough. Content enough. And satisfied enough with where they are.
Either unaware, or unwilling to tap into their true full potential.
Those are not our people.
But if you’re the Upgrade Your Brain type, the kind of person who is unwilling to settle and would benefit from more focus, clarity, and energy, we’d love you to have you:
NOTE: If you don’t receive the invite email within 15 minutes (be sure to check your spam folder), shoot me an email.