One of my all-time fave business books is Purple Cow by Seth Godin.
This book changed my life.
Prefer to listen? Check out the podcast: [smart_track_player url=”″ ]
If you’ve been following me for any length of time then you know that I used to listen to the audio version of it almost every single day while driving to and from college.
In fact…
This one book may have done more for me than my entire marketing degree.
No joke.
Because often all it takes is ONE single idea to radically and dramatically alter your perception.
Purple Cow did that for me. But it did it many times over.
Washing over my brain with purply-cow-goodness until I could no longer look at a business, marketing message, or advertisement the same way.
Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
Side Note: Repetition and immersion are the reason I put out so many different kinds of content in so many different forms.
Because I want to do the same thing for you that Purple Cow did for me. (It brainwashed me for success)
That’s why if you haven’t signed up for the memos yet you’re missing out big time.
So one of the questions that Seth Godin poses in Purple Cow is:
“Hey, did you see that?”
It’s an innocent question – but it packs a punch.
You see, all too often entrepreneurs think because they’re not OTT (over the top) personalities like some fake reality TV star – there’s no use in even trying to go that route.
Instead, they’ll just focus on providing a good product or service at a good value.
Just providing a good product or service at a good value is one of the fastest ways for your business to fail.
Because that is exactly what EVERY single other person out there is doing right now.
And it’s boring.
What you want instead is for people to say:
“Hey, did you see that?”
That’s remarkable.
That’s Purple Cow.
And that’s pure marketing gold.
Give them a reason to talk about you.